Cigar Nerds Podcast: The Electric Peanut. You know your getting old when when they start making “retro” movies from when you were a teenager. This week we’re watching The Electric State a retro sci-fi story set in an alternative version of the 90’s. In Science we talk about a space rescue, talking mice, Nintendo getting faster with age, and a robot with muscles. In Nerd News we discuss a return of Texas Chainsaw, Good Boy, Dave Bautista trying to be Clint Eastwood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and a Cujo reboot. This week I’m smoking the West Tampa Tabaco Co Black.
- West Tampa
- The Electric State
- Space rescue
- Talking Mice
- Nintendo
- Muscle Bot
- Texas Chainsaw
- Good Boy
- Dave Bautista
- Buffy
- Cujo