Monthly Archives: August 2021

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Gunpowder Milkshake

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Gunpowder Milkshake. What do you get when you cross Tarantino style with John Wick action? You get a campy action flick called Gunpowder Milkshake. Netflix’s newest fun summer movie. In science we talk about robot chameleon, deadly poop, mars test city, and moon problems. In Nerd News we talk about Carenage, Disney law suits, Big Freaking Rat, and Lord of the Rings TV. This week we are smoking the new Asylum Friday the 13th cigar.

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Variants

Cigar Nerds Podcast: Variants. This week we’re looking for an apocalypse to hide in, so the TVA doesn’t prune us for talking about Loki on Disney+. Is this series as fun as a jetski ? Lets find out. In science we talk about running robots, talking with the virtual dead, hover bikes, and robots playing NES. In Nerd news we talk the end of Die Hard, Sweet Tooth season 2, Ghostbusters Afterlife, Dr Who changes, and Transformers the Movie returning to theaters. This week we’re smoking the Altar Q by Oscar Valladares.